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Monday, December 31, 2012

new year's beauty

Happy New Year's, Beauties! 

Depending on how much you imbibe tonight, tomorrow could be rough.  
Do yourself a huge and quick favor before heading out tonight - leave some items out on your bathroom counter as a strong reminder when you get home at, oh, about 3am.

Makeup Remover Wipes - you're most likely going to be too tired to wash your face, and that's understandable.  But sleeping in your makeup only leads to clogged pores, breakouts, and a generally ashy appearance tomorrow.  At a minimum, swipe a wipe across your face super-quickly before going to bed.

Water Bottle - hydration tonight will save your butt tomorrow.  Not only should you try to alternate cocktails with water throughout the nite, but be sure to gulp extra water when you get home.  

B-Complex Vitamin - in no way is this a medical advice blog, but much research shows that a B-complex vitamin both before drinking and before going to bed can help reduce the effects of a hangover.  

Have a beautiful New Year! 

Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

We like these wipes by Boots No. 7

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Many of us were probably on Instagram or Facebook over the recent holiday, posting our own pics and viewing pics of friends and family.  I found myself flipping thru Instagram during a lull in dinner on the 24th, and when a cute pic opportunity arose, I was online and posting it almost immediately, then obsessively checking how many people liked or commented.  

But, while I love social media, I tend to dislike Instagram almost as much as I like it.  That's partly my fault and partly the fault of of the skewed glimpses of life social media like Instagram provides us.  

Being a makeup lover, I tend to follow beauty-centric Instagrammers who post looks of the day or close-ups of eye makeup.  And what's started to happen is that I'm inspired less and less and bummed out more and more. 

While there are some Instagrammers who post diverse, age-appropriate looks that are beautiful without being showy (ie the lovely Pixiwoos), I've taken to following too many 20-somethings who have tons of time, MAC cosmetics, camera filters, and pouty MySpace-esque duck-lipped photos that become grating on my self-esteem.  I'm 32, I work full-time, I barely slap on some powder before I leave the house, and I can't take a iPhone pic of myself to save my life.  I don't feel particularly ugly or inferior in my daily life, but I get dismayed when I look at a stream of online pics of unlined, acne-free 20-somethings who somehow perfected winged eyeliner before they left the crib.  And while I may be missing something, I'm not seeing Instagrammers on the popular page who contribute pics featuring, say, "Simple looks for busy, tired women who have 10 minutes to beautify before leaving for a long day at work."   

I've cleaned up my "following" list a decent amount and tried to weed out the posters most crushing to my esteem who provide little in the way of inspiration.  Yet even with a scaled-back list, I have to remind myself daily -  these are filters; these are angles and shots I've not taken the time of effort myself to perfect; these are limited, skewed glimpses of life.  These women aren't posting daily pics of their scraggly brows or faces upon waking.  They're posting carefully-selected, perfected shots that showcase their best face forward. 

Then I post another picture of my dog, slap on some powder, and leave for a long day of work. 

Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

I'll never make the popular page

Friday, December 21, 2012

breathe! beauty

Mercy, it's crazy out there the last few days before Christmas! Simple errands can get totally derailed this time of year by throngs of shoppers clamoring to get last-minute gifts.  Though I'm hopelessly trying to avoid major stores until around Dec 27th or later, I'm venturing out onnnnnnnne last time before the official holiday - I have an appointment with Christine tomorrow at Vanity for a holiday makeup application (pics to follow!)

Aside from the shameless plug for the salon, my appointment tomorrow reminds me of something I hope we can remember & put into practice in the next 72 hours - BREATHE.  Stop, disconnect, close your eyes and breathe.  If that means taking a yoga class, spending some alone-time taking a winter walk, pausing to watch a cheesy holiday movie, or making an appointment to beautify your already-beautiful self, do it! Relax for a few minutes this weekend and breathe.  Doing so makes dealing with holiday hectic-ness that much easier.  And a more relaxed you is a more beautiful you - simple. 

Happy Holidays to everyone, and we look forward to spending 2013 with you! 

Beautifully Simple,
Nicole & The Team @ Vanity Cosmetics 

Relaxation & Beautification at Vanity

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

scores & horors

This week's horror is pretty unfair, because it's totally MY fault.  I used and have been using expired lash glue, and my foolish mistake (hey - I didn't see an expiration date, but I thiiiiiink it was probably about 4 years ago) lead to the loss of some precious eyelashes as I yanked and tugged to get my strip lashes off late at night.  But, this horror has a happy ending in that I learned a) toss lash glue if it even seems slightly old or too tacky, and b) coconut oil is a makeup removing-eyelash saving tool of amazement.  I used regular old Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Oil on a cotton ball and gently wiped at my eye area & lashes until the lashes came off and my makeup was gone.  The coconut oil worked way better than my regular eye makeup remover, and it moisturized my eye area, as well.  (And it tastes pretty good).  It can seem odd to use a cooking product in the bathroom, so get 2 jars for separate areas of the home - the TJ's oil is cheap enough that it's worth it.

This cute little gift came with my recent DermStore purchase.  It's their self-titled brand, and they gave me a free trial of their Lip Quench - designed to make lips softer, smoother, and fuller.  I'm loving this product for its moisturizing properties alone, but it's light shimmer and plumping benefits make this a handy product to have on-hand or give in someone's stocking next week.
(And for unexpected score #2, see Coconut Oil note again above).

Winner / Sinner
Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Friday, December 14, 2012

bad beauty days

It's one of those - rainy, hectic day, and I have a winter cold.  While I absolutely can not wait to get home and relax in bed with a DVD, I have a few hours to go before that becomes reality.  

I knew I was a bad beauty day when I woke up - red eyes, break outs, and poor sleep.  While I had bigger expectations for my makeup today after being on YouTube (again) last night videos promising to perfect winged eyeliner, I couldn't fathom putting extra makeup on my unhappy face this morning. 

I needed some makeup to make me passable in public, but I'd sneeze, cough, and rub off any excessive makeup today. 

Here's what I did, and while I'm not saying I look fantastic in any way, at least I didn't hear, "Poor thing - you look so sick!" as I did some errands before work today.  

Night Before - if you know you're coming down with something, take 10 minutes for a refreshing mask like Freeman's Peel-off Cucumber. It will help refine your skin before you go to bed and help shrink pores. 

Morning Of - if you have 5 extra minutes and a lemon, put 1-2 tbsp freesh-squeezed lemon juice on your face (yes, it can sting).  This natural one-ingredient mask helps brighten skin and clear up existing blemishes. Rinse off with warm water and apply moisturizer like you normally would. 

Getting Ready - Start with eye drops like those from Alcon Naphcon.  I swear by these drops and actually use them every morning, but they're essential for days when I'm extra tired, sick, or suffering from allergies.  

Foundation is key, but it shouldn't be too heavy today, as most of if is susceptible to wear & tear as you blow your nose, sneeze, feel generally miserable. Whatever you're most comfortable in (powder, liquid, etc.), focus the concentration on the center of your cheeks and around your nose to cover redness, applying a lighter layer towards the outer perimeter of of your face where it's less needed.  

Under-eye concealer should be brightening and illuminating to help reduce discoloration that's a result of being tired and sick.  Something like Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch highlighting concealer works well to brighten around the eyes while also concealing, and it's super-portable if you need to touch up on the go later in the day.  

Portable life-savers
 If your cheeks aren't too pigmented already from being flushed, opt for a pink-toned matte blush to brighten the skin and bring color to a sallow face.  A "clear glowing pink" like Senna Cosmetics Tres Jolie will bring life to your skin without being overpowering.  Shimmery blush tends to be overpowering and look fake on a "BBD," so matte is the safest bet.

While heavy eyeshadow is no one's friend on a bad beauty day, eyelids needs extra love and color-correction when we're sick.  Swipe a quick wash of primer like Urban Decay Primer Potion over eyelids to cancel out redness and create an even-toned surface.   Line waterline with a neutral pencil (lifesaver!) to cancel out redness.  The Shell Brightening Pencil by Trish McEvoy is a great one, by there's certainly less expensive options at Ulta or Target. 

Rid lids of discoloration and uneven tone
 Curl your lashes to give tired eyes a more open, awake look, and follow with a waterproof mascara like Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsies so it won't run if you have watery eyes.  

Although it's a rare day I skip lipstick, when I'm sick, I find that something more nourishing like Carmex or Aquaphor helps combat the dry lips that can occur from having to breathe out my mouth due to a stuffy nose (sorry, gross, I know!). 

And, maybe most importantly, give yourself a little love - indulge in your favorite coffee, or go for a juice that's packed with vitamin C to give yourself a little boost.  You deserve extra today.  I know I do! 

Now, off to work! 

Healthy & Yummy

Beautifully Simple, 
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

'tis the season

It's quite possible you're the amazing type of holiday shopper that has every gift already bought and wrapped. But I was looking around me as I did a quick Target run this morning, and the general frenzy of the place tells me most people are not in the category of super-organized shopper - I suspect many people have a lot of shopping left to do.  

I was at Target this morning shopping for a holiday gift exchange, and I found myself wondering what cute trinket would be both inexpensive and a crowd-pleaser, regardless of who ended up as the recipient.  I ended up leaving with a pretty boring, UN-pleasing gift, and I thought, "What's a cute, inexpensive, fun, gift that won't break my already busted budget?"

When I visited Vanity Cosmetics last week, I saw they still had adorable Fluff cosmetics bags left.  They have the cutest designs, and I secretly hope someone gets one for me one day.  These stylish little bags are all original artwork that feature a mix of vintage style designs from the 1920s-60s. 

If you have a hostess gift, stocking stuffer, or budget-friendly gift left on your list, check these out at the salon.  If you're not in the Sherman Oaks area, check 'em out online - still time to order in time for the holidays. 

Bigger size perfect for overnight travel

Love the tattoo design

   Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Monday, December 10, 2012

in house

Though I work closely with Christine Turner, my friend & the owner of Vanity Cosmetics, I'm not always able to be in the salon personally. 

I went in for my regular brow shaping this past Thursday, and I thought I'd share some pics for those who've not been to Vanity in Sherman Oaks personally.  

This first pic is the artists' work stations where Christine, Denise, and Chelsie shape perfect brows and help our clients look even more stunning via personal makeup applications and lessons. 

Work stations at Vanity Cosmetics in Sherman Oaks, CA

 Below is a glimpse of Vanity's product wall featuring BareEscentuals and Senna Cosmetics, two of the many brands we've hand-picked to carry at Vanity to meet our clients' needs and requests.

Wall of Beauty

Lastly we have my friend and Vanity owner, Christine Turner.  Though she's hard and work and clearly focused in this pic, she's one of the sweetest people I have the pleasure of knowing.  

The lovely owner, Christine Turner 

We hope to see you soon in person! 

Beautifully Simple, 
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Friday, December 7, 2012

scores & horrors

This week's horror had such promise! I saw an eye-catching glimpse of a flattering lipstick in an online pic, and I was thrilled to learn this beautiful color was a Wet n Wild Mega Last lip color that was under $3! Good thing the price was right, because this lipstick instantly clumped and balled on my lips.  Sadly, it did the deadly corner-of-the-lips gunk-up.  Applying lip balm over it to hopefully smooth it out somehow made the problem more sticky and a lot more icky.   Bummer, but $3 is a pretty easy loss to take.

Sinner / Winner
This week's score was the best kind - a freebie! It was in the Dermstore gift bag I got late November - Philopsophy's Help Me retinol treatment.  I'd run out of my current night treatment, and I was longing for Skinceuticals .05% retinol, but it was a steep price to pay when I had so many products to replace I'd run out of.  I've been using the Help Me for about a week, and with the exception of initial product-shock mini-breakouts, I'm really liking this product.  No redness, and any breakouts that have started to rise have been calmed overnight by using this.  It's even softening my hyper-pigmentation a bit.  And, my skin's overall a bit more smooth and less oily. Definitely a score so far.

Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

travel made simple

Traveling for work can be hell on one's beauty routine.  You have all the inconveniences of being away from home combined with the pressure of looking good for clients and coworkers.  When I have an out-of-town work event, I'm always a bit dismayed for a minute at the loss of my trusty at-home arsenal of brushes, makeup, creams and goodies.  I used to travel with tons of items, but it just got less and less practical as time went on.  But ah! What to pack? And what to pack when days can reach around 18 hours, like my 8a Sunday-2a Monday shift this weekend ?
Here's how I did it the past weekend, and I think this simple routine can work for many by minimizing products & mess while keeping your face polished and presentable. 

First, I prime my skin with Silk Naturals Perfecting Powder.  This little, unassuming gem of a product works wonders to refine & prep skin.  It's great on its own, as a primer, or lightly swirled on top of a finished look to set makeup and give an airbrushed appearance to skin.  This product alone can save you tons of time in place of concealing and contouring by giving your skin an overall perfected appearance. 
Silk Naturals Perfecting Powder
I prefer not to travel with liquid foundation for a few reasons - it leaks, and it takes a more precise, lengthy application, and I can't fuss with that when I have to be somewhere at 6a.  In its place, I sub a heavy-duty powder foundation like Cargo blu_ray HD pressed powder after priming with the Silk Naturals.  Concealer on-the-go needs to be both long-lasting and hassle-free - I find something like Coverblend Multi-Function Concealer works double-duty to both cover blemishes and under-eye discoloration for extended periods of time without getting cakey or runny.  And, in the absence of liquid foundation, you can use small, targeted amounts of this thicker concealer like you would wear a long-lasting foundation, but without the mess of a glass bottle. 

I spend a bit more time on blush because a fresh, radiant glow is one of the biggest keys to looking rested and youthful, but blush is one of the quickest things to fade and disappear quickly from the face.  I've found a thin layer of cream blush like Revlon PhotoReady applied first helps set powder blush applied over it.  

While I love my liner and more elaborate eye shadows, they're not practical when getting ready in a hotel bathroom with horrible lighting.  Keep eyes clean but polished with a double-duty lid primer & shadow like MAC Paint Pot in Painterly, a neutral-toned beige.   It's so helpful in covering the natural discoloration common in so many eyelids, and its long-wear formula also helps to stop mascara from leaving a smear trail near the brow-bone. 

For eye liner, I prefer to tight line with something like Revlon ColorStay pencil liner so my eyes have definition without the hassle of applying full eyeliner.  If you have a dinner meeting that night, pocket the pencil eyeliner so you can quickly transition your eyes from day to night by tracing your waterline to add subtle definition to eyes.  I keep my eyes looking bright with 2 key items that take seconds to apply but make worlds of difference - a neutral-toned pencil in my waterline to cancel out redness (for daytime), and a quick dab of a brightening pencil in the corner of my eyes like Benefit Eye Bright.  I finish with curling my lashes and applying mascara. 

Painterly Paint Pot acts as both primer and long-wear shadow
Benefit Eye Bright is perfect for waking up tired eyes and creating subtle highlight on brow bone
 Though I have an arsenal of lipstick, I think the quicker and easier choice on-the-go is gloss.  I feel more confident reapplying without a mirror, and if I'm running around all day, it's so much easier to sneak in a swipe of gloss vs. lipstick.  I've been loving Revlon Colorburst lip gloss for its color range and wear. 

All of these products are small, light, easy to apply, and travel well.  They'll help you create a professional look even if you're in the worst of lighting and have the longest of days. 

Here's to beautifully simple travel. 

Beautifully Simple, 
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics