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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

scores & horors

This week's horror is pretty unfair, because it's totally MY fault.  I used and have been using expired lash glue, and my foolish mistake (hey - I didn't see an expiration date, but I thiiiiiink it was probably about 4 years ago) lead to the loss of some precious eyelashes as I yanked and tugged to get my strip lashes off late at night.  But, this horror has a happy ending in that I learned a) toss lash glue if it even seems slightly old or too tacky, and b) coconut oil is a makeup removing-eyelash saving tool of amazement.  I used regular old Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Oil on a cotton ball and gently wiped at my eye area & lashes until the lashes came off and my makeup was gone.  The coconut oil worked way better than my regular eye makeup remover, and it moisturized my eye area, as well.  (And it tastes pretty good).  It can seem odd to use a cooking product in the bathroom, so get 2 jars for separate areas of the home - the TJ's oil is cheap enough that it's worth it.

This cute little gift came with my recent DermStore purchase.  It's their self-titled brand, and they gave me a free trial of their Lip Quench - designed to make lips softer, smoother, and fuller.  I'm loving this product for its moisturizing properties alone, but it's light shimmer and plumping benefits make this a handy product to have on-hand or give in someone's stocking next week.
(And for unexpected score #2, see Coconut Oil note again above).

Winner / Sinner
Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

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