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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

swallow your beauty

While drafting up a post about hair, it struck me that I take a lot of supplements.  A LOT.  I'll explain the why that is in the pending hair post, but in the meantime, I wanted to encourage everyone to consider the benefits of worrying a touch less about all the products we put on our faces and rather focus on what we can do internally to improve our skin.  

While such a request seemingly prompts a post on diet and overall health, my post today is much more simple - consider collagen.  It's an accessible, simple, and helpful way to boost your skin, hair and nails' growth, health, and strength simply by swallowing a few capsules or drinking some powder each day.  Considering how long some of our nighttime beauty routines are, 5 seconds to pop some collagen is hardly taxing on one's day. 

On the recommendation of my acupuncturist, I started taking some pretty fancy-schmancy collagen about a year back.  Within a few weeks, it was clear that 3 key changes were taking place: a) my hair was growing like a weed; b) fine lines on my face were filling in; c) my nails could hold their own in a fight with Wolverine.  I was taking this collagen by Collagen M.D.  It's a wonderful product that sadly tastes like stale cheese left in the sun.  No matter - I've endured worse in the name of beauty.  But price and lack of convenience ($65 & hard to travel with baggies of white powder, ahem) forced me to wean myself off the product.  

Thanks to, I next found Youtheory collagen, and I switched over to this pill formula for a fraction of the cost of the previous powder formula.  (And, thanks to Costco's return policy, if it sucked, I'd return it for a full refund!).  While truly horse-pills, these tablets are very effective in promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails, and their price and portability are right on the money. 

There's other options out there, like those offered on iHerb, at a good price. 

Give 'em a spin - I'm pretty sure as beauty junkies we've all spent some money on products a lot less effective than collagen, and it feels pretty good to be beautiful on the inside, too. 

Beautifully Simple,
Nicole @ Vanity Cosmetics

Take your vitamins! 

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